Kolkata : The Government of India under the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways has undertaken green port initiatives in the major ports across India so that their environmental performance can be improved.
Today, the Union Minister of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, Shri Sarbananda Sonowal, took a meeting with all Ports Chairpersons to monitor the progress. Shri Vinit Kumar, Chairman, SMP Kolkata participated in the meeting. Shri Kumar explained the SMP Kolkata’s vision on Green initiatives.
Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port at Kolkata in its endeavour to accomplish Maritime India Vision 2030 conceived 143 Initiatives, out of which 68 Initiatives are to lead the World in Safe, Sustainable & Green Maritime sector.
Out of the such 68 initiatives relating to Green Maritime Sector, Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port Kolkata completed following Green Initiative:-
- CII Eastern Region with technical help from CII Centre of Excellence- CII Green Business Centre is working on a project on Green Port where there will be extensive analysis of the current situation in Haldia and Kolkata Dock Systems and recommendations will be given regarding air quality, energy, waste management, water etc. all work and recommendations will be in line with Maritime India Vision 2030. CII team has visited site, spoken to officials, collected data and prepared a site observation report. This has been submitted to Port authorities for their comments. Also in the next 2 weeks CII will organise training programme for port officials to help implement the recommendations suggested.
- Shore power supply to Vessels made available in 13 berths & Shore Supply power for River Cruise Vessels at Indenture Memorial Jetty- Operational.
- LNG Terminal- Concession given to H-Energy for LNG at Kukrahati, which will enable LNG bunkering in future.
- Water Harvesting System already implemented at various offices/ complexes of KDS etc.
- 160 kw roof-top solar panel have been installed in KDS.
- 1 MW Solar Power Plant commissioned at HDC.
- Detailed GIS study on green belt area development (aligned with MIV 2030) is currently ongoing.
- Installation of Wind barrier, availability of Mist Cannon, Dust Sweeping Machines, to arrest the air pollution. Further wind barriers planned in HDC.
- For plastic removal from dock, a separate agency has been engaged for plastic collection from dock area.
- Assessments done for green belt area requirement, Air Quality, Alternative fuel, Assessment of wind/solar/wave energy for the port, Study on Hybrid system of renewable energy, Possible improvement on Power quality.
- IOT sensors provided in tugs for monitoring of vessel movement and fuel consumption. This will be used to reduce fuel use.
- Mangrove forest developed at Nayachar island over the years.
- Sludge oil generated from ships coming to port is being recycled through pollution control board approved vendors.
- Urban forest development in 19 acre land in Dhobiatalao in KDS.
Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port Kolkata is aiming to implement following within 2030:
- 20,000 sq. mt KPD Sheds to be installed with Roof Top Solar Plant by Dec’2022 at KDS.
- At Shalukkhali & a portion of Jellingham land under SMPK will be utilised for solar power generation by tying with some generation companies,
- Aiming for 100% Electricity Powered Cranes in the upcoming PPP Projects for Berth Mechanisation at KDS and HDC.
- 2 mw capacity in KDS & 1 MW solar capacity in HDC to be added in next 2 years.
- Smart lighting system controlled by sensors and intelligent systems being planned in Netaji Subhas Dock.
- Sewage treatment plant planned both in KDS & HDC.
- Recycle the solid waste generated from ships through WBPCB approved recycler within the impounded dock system. Port will share the revenue.
- Exploring the possibility of deploying hybrid engines diesel/battery operated for tug boats and other small crafts.
- Harnessing the tidal and wave energy for power generation. NTCPWC will be approached to undertake study on this.
- Ports to conduct HSE assessment subscribe to standard global target setting programs (e.g. SBTi) and ensure compliance to certifications & international conventions (e.g. ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, MARPOL 73/78).
- Drive long-term process institutionalization at ports through deployment of sensors (e.g. for tracking air quality, weather, etc.) and systems to capture data (leverage existing mechanisms as applicable).
- Enhance infrastructure capabilities of existing hospitals, beds and staff via a viable model of PPP.
- Have robust Occupational Health Centre with trained medical officers and conduct formal training on occupational health hazards relevant to port for better diagnosis and treatment.
- Establish digital infrastructure (e.g. digital health records) for pre-monitoring screening through medical examinations & history checks at induction.
- Collaborate with dredging partners to identify and build port wise strategy & roadmap for recycling and re-usage of dredged material The pace at which the Green initiatives are undertaken by the 12 major ports will surely bring a green revolution in the sector making the ports cleaner and greener, which is also a key component of ‘Blue Economy’, creating environmental benefits and balancing the investments and cash flow.
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